Written by Even without anyone else having to point it out I realise that a lot of my writing revolves around simple observations on everyday life and the feelings evoked by scenes of nature. Considering how a lot of the poetry being done today is complex and angst ridden in nature, my choice of themes may seem simplistic in comparison. On my part I hope I am never guilty of complicating what is simple or for that matter simplifying all that is complex. Read more by this writer |
Upon Visiting An Ancestral HaveliCars will not take you down these brick alleys Narrow and winding as the twisted logic of a dream Frayed cane blinds cloak doorways here And alcoves are blemished With the soot of snuffed out lamps Misty evening shadows (untouched by electricity) Play hide and seek with empty balconies Creaky doors Deserted courtyards Broken swings And leaking roofs
Time stands in a corner holding its breath And the air is worn in spirit Echoing distant versions of each sound An entire way of life is buried here Truths that shall never be known No pictures, bios, eulogies pass them on to the centuries Like yesterday’s newspaper that draws no takers
A crumbling world shows signs of its past glory for a moment Coy verses, sonorous songs, trailing veils flash for an instant Then darkness and silence Barren, bemused, still And all encompassing |
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