Moving Forward

The email was sent out yesterday evening, confirming the time, venue and general format of the reading. Looks like this thing’s really happening, one way or the other. It seems bookmarks will not be on our agenda for this first reading, although there are still in consideration as a part of the general theme.

So for those of you who’re attending, it’s a brilliant opportunity to really showcase your work, who you are and of course, get to know the people behind the Lounge so to speak. Here’s to hoping that the first one is successful and that we can continue building up a following, and get to our eventual goal: a more broader sense of literary awareness, beginning from Islamabad and branching out to various other cities of Pakistan, and wherever else our membership resides and are able to commit to something like this on a vast scale.

Meanwhile, am considering outsourcing work for our fliers, posters and bookmarks externally so if there’s anyone out there who knows any talented designer who’s willing to help us out (you will be compensated for your services, obviously), that’d be a really brilliant heads up. Meanwhile, I’ll move forward on getting this thing launched and out there as soon as possible. Remember, if anyone know any local designer that’s based in Islamabad or Lahore, give us a heads up at or We’d really, really appreciate it and of course, the ideal situation is meeting up with the designer locally, as opposed to the long distance communication that outsourcing often yields. But we need someone pronto, as in the next 1-2 weeks. I can stretch it to 2 1/2 weeks, but nothing beyond that. You have our mailing information, so…

We are moving with full steam towards our reading and the other little event we’ve got planned, the details of which we’ll announce at the reading, and once that’s done on this blog and the website as a collective. It will be our first event on a large scale. Apparently, when we decided to take the Lounge out of its online context, we really meant it!

Adios for now,

The Powers That Be