Deadline approaching for Papercuts Vol. 9

The deadline for submitting fiction and poetry for Papercuts Vol. 9 is now only a few weeks away! Send us your original material by October 15th, 2011 at The theme is ‘Tall Tales’. You will find the submission guidelines here.

We are still looking for people to hand out a few more articles to. If you’re an articulate, analytical person who can write well in English and is interested in researching on a cool topic, write to us at and we’ll find something for you to sink your teeth into!

Good luck to everyone who’s getting their stuff together for submission!

Marilyn on the move

Props to our Creative Lead, Osman Khalid Butt, for designing this promotional flyer/poster for Vol. 8. The brick-like layers that Osman divided Marilyn into (yes, we call her that – refer to this if you don’t know why) represent her fractured identity beautifully and make the forceful gender statement that, no matter how amazing she is, at the end of the day she is just a picture on a wall.

We’re sending the image around these days to garner more attention for Vol. 8 and to encourage submissions for Vol. 9. So get on the bandwagon (because let’s face it… what else are they useful for anymore) and do the honourable thing – help Marilyn get off that wall and see the world!


Marilyn's ready to see more of the world. Facebook her or email her to your friends!

Pakistan Today feature on DWL and Papercuts

We got some fantastic coverage recently in Pakistan Today, the country’s fastest growing English newspaper. Aamer Dhamani, sub-editor at PT, interviewed a number of our team members about DWL, what it has meant to us over the years and why the heck we love it so much. He also read Papercuts as part of his research and said the BEST things about it. Yeah, the DWL bug bit him too!

In print, the feature took up a whole page of the paper and sported a photo of our team members as well as an image of our Vol. 7 cover. The online version got 60 FB likes in less than a week, which is practically a miracle for art and culture pieces in Pakistani newspapers. It shows not only how much heart Aamer wrote this article with, but also points towards our increasing popularity and brand recognition.

Okay, enough bragging. Here’s the link to the online version of the feature! Enjoy. (And click on the FB like button if you know how totally awesome this is).

‘Papercuts’ rekindles joie de lire – Aamer Dhamani for Pakistan Today