Volume 4 Published!

Volume 4 was published early morning, Wednesday or late night Tuesday (whichever way you want to look at it). You can see all the wonderfulness that is Reprisals, here.

Meanwhile, we’ve restarted our old FB Desi Writers group that we let fall into oblivion thanks to the management of the web site along with the various readings, international meet ups and of course the monstrosity that was the e-zine. So if you’re not a member yet, and would like to keep abreast of our events and what not, you’ll need to head on over there. However, we’re soon going to open up registration to our events over at DWL’s main website, along with incorporating a newsletter function to keep interested visitors up-to-date with our events.

Our readings based in Isloo will soon be restarted as will other events (a proper Book Club and Poetry/Prose night and possibly a dedicated writer’s workshop which might mean separating readings and the workshop as separate events). If you don’t know about us, but want to, please consider yourselves invited to our next event. We place no censors on material presented, but please do let us know if you’ll be presenting anything (readings@desiwriterslounge.net) so we can make the necessary preparations (distribution of all material falls to us).

Alright, so that’s pretty much it.



Selections Finalized; Writers Informed of Decision

It wasn’t easy. The path was long and winding, especially in lieu of the new clause of involving the respective editors in any final decisions concerning the work they were responsible for. But it’s done. The task of wading through the 34 (out of the approximate 1-200 we started with) or so pieces that were brought forward for final e-zine consideration subject to the grueling editing process, has concluded.

14 pieces were struck from the final line up resulting in a medley of poetry, prose and the abstract fusion of both. Two pieces are still awaiting judgment, but the couple not withstanding, 18-20 pieces will be up for display this January 25th, 2009.

Yes, a date has finally been set.

Guess we’ll see you there!

And now? Allow us to take a breather before going through the whole process all over again in April-July ’09.


Editing Concludes…Selection Begins

Now that the editors are wrapping up on the work of their mentees, putting any last minute touches on whatever’s left and sending it forward to the Chief Ed, the real work of wading through all the shortlisted work (taking care of the respective editor’s thoughts on the piece) and final selection begins. If, for whatever reason, your work doesn’t make the cut please note: it’s nothing personal and you were warned earlier on that no piece was final, even after going through the grueling editing period.

It’s never easy to go through each piece and decide on what should or shouldn’t make the cut despite all the work that’s gone in, but it has to be done. Of course, “quality” is relative and very subjective but in this instance (as in the past), I’m afraid the final word still rests with the Editor-in-Chief.

So…no more apologies. Good luck, everyone!



Crossing Borders

Well, it happened and while it mayn’t have been everything hoped for (for one, we couldn’t get the visual stuff to work unfortunately!), it was still a kick ass meeting! At the peak of things, we were on three continents, spanning six cities all across the globe and we got to hear the voices of the participants. Not to mention, we talked about everything under the sun. A small clip might be uploaded or not, depending on what we’re willing to disclose.

Meanwhile, the chat log will be uploaded on the forums relatively uncensored. We managed to record a portion of the teleconference so there may be something for posterity (the audio part, that is–the chat log was separate).

But yes, this was one for history and the search for the elusive and perfect videoconferencing software continues. We may have to invest in something on a later date if this becomes a permanent fixture.

Here’s to a new year full of new possibilities!


Who We Are

We’ve had a recent influx of members lately.

The best thing about Desi Writers Lounge, is the quality we demand from our members and the utmost confidence we place in them to achieve it. Compliments really are a writer’s enemy as is unfounded criticism, but helpful critique…yes, that’s useful and I would like to think we provide just that, aside from sharing a healthy camaraderie with one another. It doesn’t take too long for a new member to join the circle of friends and writers that Desi Writers Lounge is made of. It’s just nice to know we’ve accomplished that.

Another good thing about the Lounge (we’re feeling particularly immodest today!) is the fact that we don’t encourage censorship considering the variety of material and subjects our writers write on and are accepted into publication. True freedom of expression, and that’s a tremendous accomplishment on our part. Look at Chowk; they never published “Snow Angels”, which is on the lighter side of the spectrum as far as “out there” stories go. Considered a test on our part to gauge their reaction, the result makes us feel prouder of what we’ve accomplished as a collective.

There might be a lesser number of members, but we’re damned if the posters aren’t extremely talented or at least, haven’t been brought out of their shells and begun to reach their truest potential. That’s what you get when you’re a Desi Writer, I guess. Everything else comes hand in hand.

Here’s to a brilliant surge of creativity in 2009!