New E-Zine, New Rules

Here’s the thing: editing began close to 9 days ago for three of our editors, while two are pushing back their dates until they become fully available to their wards. So whereas some of our shortlisted candidates may have heard from their editors, there are some among that list and new candidates that have yet to be contacted because their editors are a little busy.

Obi should get in touch with his wards by Tuesday, and Shehla aka “Clarice” will be available from Dec 1 onwards. Editing concludes January 16, 2009 so you guys won’t be lagging behind too far.

Meanwhile, work is continuing on streamlining all pieces that are being edited. It’s going to be sad to see any of the material go down the drain, which might also happen if the editors don’t hear back from their respective wards soon and so aren’t satisfied with the final outcome. Be warned of their wrath!

They hold the future in their hands…


Pieces Shortlisted, Editing To Begin Shortly

Heads up, peeps! The pieces for inclusion in the e-zine have been shortlisted and the members will be contacted shortly both in terms of what they can expect from the process, and to the fact that this musn’t in any way raise their hopes. Much along the lines of the last issue, no piece is finalized until after the edit. If, for any reason, the piece is found lacking either by its editor or the Chief Ed or both, it will be struck from the issue no explanations. We ask our members and all involved to respect this decision.

As we’ve discussed; each piece needs a massive edit to make it into the ‘zine, and nothing’s safe. Work hard with your editors, and they’ll work hard with you; it’s a give and take relationship so make it work. Writers who cross poetry/prose boundaries will be working with different editors, so chances are if you’re a poet who doubles as a prose writer or vice versa, you’ll be working with two or possibly three different editors at one time. We expect you to make it work.

Editing will begin either Saturday evening or Sunday morning spanning for two months and ending in mid-January; publication is still slated for January ’09.

G’luck, g’luck!


E-Zine Structural Changes

Editing has yet to begin, but that’s mainly because we’ve put a new policy in place for e-zine selection. It took us 3.5 hours last Sunday to go through only two sections (The Abstract Thinker and The Poet), even though we left no room for idle chit chat. Because of the large quantity of material we had to deal with in this 6 month term, we’ve realized that maybe a meeting is not the best of ideas to get the job done. Enter Google Docs. Our resident “editor in chief” has put up an excel document that trajectorizes who voted for what, who’s responsible for what and in general, where they’re at in the editing business. It’s a transition from the way we worked to the way we will be working from this issue onward. It’ll be helpful to know where the individual editors stand on their individual pieces so when the executive call comes around, the chief ed knows what to do.

Meanwhile, please know that because your pieces have made it past Round 1: Selection and into Round 2: Editing, this does not necessarily equate that they’ll make it into the e-zine itself. If the pieces are found to be lacking in any way, or the editor feels the end result was not satisfactory, they will be stricken from the issue. There are some that have already been sidelined, and are subject to a substantial edit to be given e-zine accreditation. Please know that this is all subject to quality only, and it’s not personal.

Having said that, once everything is finalized and we’re ready to launch Phase 2: E-Mentoring, the respective authors will be introduced to their editors and the editing will begin.

Publication of Volume 4 is slated for January, 2009.