DWL Karachi Reading

Our Karachi chapter has arranged for a proper reading this time around, where you’ll need to bring something to read although it isn’t necessary. Expect many participants to bring something, however. But hey, no pressure! Details are below:

What: Desi Writers Lounge Karachi Reading (officially, it’s the first reading)
Where: Cafe Avenue on Zamzama
When: October 20, 2008 @ 6 pm (Updated)
RSVP: If you’re a ‘Lounge member, head over to the Coordinations, Coordinations board and leave your mark. if you’re not a member, email in to readings@desiwriterslounge.net and we’ll address your queries.

That’s all for today, folks! Hope the Karachiites will see it fit to mosey over to the rendezvous point and engage in some fruitful intellectual banter. We’ve been told our readings are anything but boring!

Update: The meeting date has been bumped forward due to unforeseen circumstances for non attendance by some regular members.

Consensus & Review Pushed Forward

Due to the wealth of material the editors need to read through, I’ve pushed the date of our meeting forward by close to a month, which of course means the editing process will begin a month later and end a month later.

Though we’ll try for a December 31 publication date, Volume 4 might see the light of day some time in the first week of 09. We’re committed to quality, and there’s a lot of material to wade through.

As you can see, we don’t take this task lightly.