Hello Everyone,
We’ve finally settled on a title for our online literary magazine; the decision involved some pretty cool choices and a large poll. It ran for a suitable period before the unanimous decision was…yes, that’s right: PAPERCUTS.
We’re planning a new design layout in commemoration of the new title. Part of the reason of changing the design, was because we needed to upgrade our website in terms of the development aspect (migrating from Joomla 1.1.x to 1.5, a much more stable and universally acknowledged version). So that’s something to look forward to in the next couple of days.
We’re working on getting ourselves some more media exposure, so if anyone has any ideas or suggestions for that, we’re definitely welcoming them. We’ll be registering ourselves as an organization in late November/early December, and along with that, we’ve got the largest scale event we’ve ever had which will involve sponsors, people from all over Pakistan, and lots of exciting stuff like that. We’re excited. Are you excited? 🙂 We’ve been hinting at it for a while, and once the new website goes live, you’ll see it with a little more prominence.
Book clubs, readings and game nights will still proceed as normal. We still have the DW corner at the Paper Microphone Cafe that lets you write there and then, and leave the sheets there or take them with you as you see fit. Columns are Khutt, The B*tch Letters and ODTM (One Day, Two Minutes). Who knows? We might expand in the future. Be sure to check us out there, though and bring a little patronage to the Cafe while you’re at it; they’ve been our gracious hosts.