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Where is everybody??

You may be asking yourselves the same question, actually. We’ve been slow with keeping up on the forums but that’s because the team is busy, busy, busy with editing for Papercuts. As you all may know, this is the first time we’ve opened up our doors to public submissions. This has obviously increased our workload quite a bit, but we’ve dealt with the situation by expanding our poetry and prose teams. We’ve got two great new people on board: Omer Wahaj for prose and Hera Naguib for poetry. Some of you may already be working with these two if your submissions were selected for Vol. 8  🙂

In other news, we’ve issued a special bonus call for submissions for poetry. If you missed the boat the last time it came around, you have a second chance to submit a poem for Vol. 8! Same theme: Forbidden. Same address: Deadline: 2nd June. We’re doing this because we got so many poems on love and sex this time that our poetry editors have original sin coming out of their ears! We are looking for something different, people. As one of our editors never said (in fact, would never dream of saying) forbidden fruit doesn’t only refer to the low hanging fruit!

Anyway, this blog entry is just to verify that all of us are alive and kicking (often ourselves and occasionally each other) but we’d love to see more activity from YOU, dear readers and writers, on the forums. Remember, at the end of the day it’s you who keeps it going! So enough of a summer break, everyone, and let’s get back to some writing, shall we?