Back to the Editors’ Desks

Submissions for Papercuts Vol. 9 have closed. It’s past the 15th of October everywhere in the world  😀  What does this mean for us? We withdraw to the confines of our google doc and start shortlisting the material you’ve sent us. If you submitted something for the next issue, we thank you for trusting us with your work and ask you to be patient while the process of shortlisting goes on. You will hear from one of the editors, regardless of whether your submission makes the cut or not.

In other news, the DWL Facebook page has been picking up in activity by leaps and bounds. Instead of just letting you know what we’re doing, we will now actively work towards referencing great articles from other online publications, putting up events from all over the world and generally creating an informative, discursive environment for budding writers. Our FB ‘likes’ have been increasing steadily and we would like the page to grow with its fans! If you’re not a part of the FB community yet, join us!

2 thoughts on “Back to the Editors’ Desks

  1. Hey this is Rabbia and i wanted to inquire if i can be a part of desi writers lounge? I am associated to Dawn news paper as a freelance writer and illustrator since 10 years

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