
The development work began a few days ago–on October 27th to be exact, but my “official” starting date was Nov 01, which as you might have noticed–has arrived. Development on the book club of things has started, and each new step is drilling more clearly my own vision for the site. So it’s a good feeling.

Of course, I need to have a time line, an accurate representation of what’s going to happen when to better assess how long it’s going to take. They always quote you a time which might end up being a placeholder for how long it’s actually going to take. Considering I was once in the field myself, I know the common mentality. So there’s that. Dun-dun.

The second thing I’m interested in is getting this blog aggregated with–a blog aggregator for all Pakistan related blogs. So here’s hoping we get selected. I had to answer a question on what a ‘lotta’ is. Never thought there’d ever be a day.

Anyway, T2F for those of you who aren’t like me and don’t subscribe to newsletters of events in other cities, and ones that you’ll probably never attend: is hosting a poetry reading. It’s in Karachi, but since some of our readers are from the city by the sea, here’s a heads up.

Obi’s play is still playing at the Islamabad Club and it will continue doing so for the next week–it ends, as mentioned earlier–on Nov 08. And be prepared, it isn’t your usual play. For someone whose known, seen Obi’s growth on the forums, the play will be seen as very much in character. So do go there.

Our Book Club lags, and it’s a very, very sad fact and I suddenly realized earlier today that I would need to paraphrase all our discussion on the Club (for which I am paying an additional sum) for week-to-week or two weekly, or however we’re going to arrange it. This will mean of course, that we’ll all need to be more involved and with our current dormant member base I don’t see that happening in the near future. There is, as mentioned earlier, only so much that I alone can do. I’ll need some support. Putting that theory to test, my abstinence from the Book Club seems only to throw everyone else off of it too. It’s a little disheartening, actually. However, I am optimistic.

Anyway, there’s still a lot more development planned including most importantly, a new look which would be nice. I’m thinking we might eventually give our issues ‘covers’ of some sort. Something to let people know what’s inside. Make it more like a magazine on the internet, so to speak. Yes, there are changes galore.

Ah well, we’ll see.

2 thoughts on “Ch-ch-changes

  1. I only get to know about events once they have taken place. So what is the “Book Club”…sounds like something I’ll like to be a part of.

  2. Ah, then hopefully the event calendar planned should help cure that. The Book Club is actually in effect right now on our forums – a more organized and paraphrased edition of which, will be incorporated into our new site. You can take a look at the forums here.

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