We turn four today (August 6) and as a community, we have come incredibly far. The present Orkut Desi Writers community is merely a ghost of what it used to be ye olde glory days. When we said goodbye, it turned more into a platform for advertisement as opposed to a place where serious writing could be done. Almost all of the present Desi Writers Lounge veterans are no longer affiliated with Orkut, and though our allegiance to the brand that is Desi Writers remains in tact, our loyalty to the community as it stands now, with nothing but our posts to prove we were once there, is questionable. And yet, without it we wouldn’t have forged the relationships we built during those formative years. It was our home for a year, before we realized it was destined only to be temporary, and then another year before we finally moved. Desi Writers Lounge itself, is a little over three years old since it became a domain name, about two when it became an identity.
When we turn five, we’re thinking of doing something extra special. After all, we’ll have been together for half a decade. Surely that merits some kind of response, right? Ideas for the bash are welcome.
Meanwhile, the planning for the grand international meeting/reading continue, as a tribute to incorporate our members stationed out of Pakistan and who can’t physically participate. In the end of course, it’ll be up to “the administrator” to make it happen. But it will happen. Admin’s committed to it, see. The last time that happened, the Desi Writers Lounge was born. Pretty decent track record, dontcha think?