Who We Are

We’ve had a recent influx of members lately.

The best thing about Desi Writers Lounge, is the quality we demand from our members and the utmost confidence we place in them to achieve it. Compliments really are a writer’s enemy as is unfounded criticism, but helpful critique…yes, that’s useful and I would like to think we provide just that, aside from sharing a healthy camaraderie with one another. It doesn’t take too long for a new member to join the circle of friends and writers that Desi Writers Lounge is made of. It’s just nice to know we’ve accomplished that.

Another good thing about the Lounge (we’re feeling particularly immodest today!) is the fact that we don’t encourage censorship considering the variety of material and subjects our writers write on and are accepted into publication. True freedom of expression, and that’s a tremendous accomplishment on our part. Look at Chowk; they never published “Snow Angels”, which is on the lighter side of the spectrum as far as “out there” stories go. Considered a test on our part to gauge their reaction, the result makes us feel prouder of what we’ve accomplished as a collective.

There might be a lesser number of members, but we’re damned if the posters aren’t extremely talented or at least, haven’t been brought out of their shells and begun to reach their truest potential. That’s what you get when you’re a Desi Writer, I guess. Everything else comes hand in hand.

Here’s to a brilliant surge of creativity in 2009!

2 thoughts on “Who We Are

  1. 🙂 Kya baath hai, Affy! You’re on the blog! All techphobes bow and salute Mother Hen.


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