Papercuts magazine seeks Prose Editor


Note: This is a listing for a voluntary placement.

Our magazine is growing faster than we can keep up! We are looking to add a third prose editor to our editorial team.

Prose editors at Papercuts work directly with writers from around the world, most of them of South Asian origin. Some of our editors also assist with longlisting and shortlisting entries for our annual short story competition.

The workload is manageable and our team is flexible in assigning tasks, but it’s imperative that candidates for this position care about delivering high quality work on time. What we can’t give our team members in monetary terms, we usually make up with spirited, fun interaction and access to opportunities within the literary and publishing field. Team members have forged close connections with each other over the years, laying a basis for life-long friendships.

Read on to see if you’d be a good fit for the position.


As Prose Editor, You Will Be Expected To –

1. Work with your Team Lead to longlist stories from the DWL forums.

2. Shortlist direct submissions for the magazine by voting on them with fellow prose editors.

3. Contact writers for the stories that have been accepted for editing and assigned to you by the Team Lead.

4. Inform the Team Lead about any important developments during the editing process.

5. Follow the deadlines set by the Team Lead and the Managing Editor.

6. Submit finalised stories to the Team Lead along with bios and photos of the writers.

7. Follow-up with the writers for any changes recommended during proofreading and to inform them about story’s publication status.

8. Nominate stories from the forums for the DWL showcase section on the homepage.


Applicants must be willing to read dozens of short stories in two cycles each year for the shortlisting process. If on the longlisting team for the annual short story competition, add another round of reading every summer.


What You Will Need –

1. Excellent English reading, writing and grammar skills.

2. An undergraduate degree at minimum, in the field of creative writing, literature or a related discipline. A graduate degree in the above will be preferred for this post.

3. Proof of prior editing experience. Applicants with past experience at literary magazines will be preferred.

5. Good communication skills, work ethic and ability to work in a team. Applicants must be web-savvy and able to respond to emails in a timely manner.


What You Will Gain –

1. Invaluable editing experience. Papercuts prides itself on its collaborative editing model and the close relationship it fosters between editors and writers.

2. Hands-on experience with putting together an international-quality online and print magazine, and contacts in the publishing industry.

4. The chance to work on a team full of enthusiastic, witty and helpful people.

5. Networking opportunities in the publication and communication industries.


Interested? Please send in your CV to by 16th September 2014 at the latest. Thanks!