DWL Lit Bites – Feb 19

Hello readers! This lit bite chronicler is so sorry that she has been MIA the past couple weeks. Working for a living takes a toll on indulging in your passions. But I am back with a week of literary links for your coffee pleasure. Also, went book shopping yesterday so will share my giant haul on the Instagram @dwlpapercuts.

1. Okay guys, I understand that things get a little too heavy and literary around here so here is a list of “serious” literature paired with its childrens’ book counterparts. Kids, they’re just like anxiety-ridden adults.

2. There is a new Don DeLillo short story in the New Yorker. It is about Jeff and “looks at the teen-age son of divorced parents and his struggle to understand his own identity in light of theirs.”

3. Happy Birthday Toni Morrison! The author celebrated her 85th birthday on February 18th and Flavorwire collected ten of her “wise and withering quotes.”